Zaks garden, creatures and life

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Pop 'oles

Got the carrots earthed up yesterday, should keep 'em warm over winter. The beans are doing great, good stout plants.

Not got much done on the plot today, been like trying to garden in a wind tunnel. Just turned the compost a bit.

I have finished roofing the hen-house, and doing the pop-hole. Theres now a solid door for the pop hole, made from two pieces of plywood. Ones a thick chunk of 9 ply, about 3/4 inch, and the other is a wider piece of 5ply. Between them they fit in runners (also created from plywood strips) either side of the hole. Eventually a piece of rope will attach to allow the door to be lifted open in its runners. All the nails have been ground down where they stuck through, so now i have to put bolts on the door, seal the gaps in the wood, and paint it in wood preservative.

Then comes the fun part, getting it down the garden. Im only going to attach the legs and the broodboxes once its down the garden where it needs to be. I think pipe rollers might be the way to move it.


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