Zaks garden, creatures and life

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Something Scary Behind The Trap Door...

Or trap lid i suppose. The mushroom kit has a black lid, its been sat either in the airing cupboard or on top of the microwave for a few days. Take a look at the picture, can you see the white fuzz? thats the mushrooms, or rather its their mycellium, their fungi roots.

In a few days, this fuzz should form little pinheads on the compost, these will develop into the mushrooms.

Nothing else done this weekend, apart from mowing the lawn and turning the compost, and burning all the old sticks. I didtnt think the fire had taken yesterday, but this morning the incinerater was puffing away like it was hiding behind the bike sheds.

And in case anyone noticed, yes, i was wrong about the Orionids, it was friday night. Got myself confused with the peak time being early morning. I always do that.


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