Zaks garden, creatures and life

Friday, October 06, 2006

Shooting Up

Well, the council in their infinite quest for low costs, once again cut the hedges using a flail. No warning at all, just this giant mechanical arm reaching over, showering me and the spring veg in shards of hawthorne. I found some thorns stuck in leaves over 20ft away.

I was supposed to cut the grass today, but its still far too wet, it didnt stop raining until midday. So the lawn is turning back into rainforest, but at least its green. Theres no sign yet of any bean shoots, not even in Sams terracotta magic beans pot.

The spring onions are doing alright though. There looking that little bit sturdier, whereas the brassicas on the whole are looking a little wilty, i just hope its not because of the root fly. Theres nothing i can do about it if it is.

The green and black caterpillers have given way to the matt green ones. Which are munching their way through all my brassicas, and it seems no matter how many i pick off and throw over the garden, or how many i crush or cut in two with my fingernail, more appear. Hopefully their season is nearly over and the plants might survive.

Left - Spring Onions!

What is amazing though, is that the garlic is coming up! Its the strong flavour Marco type that is breaking through, half a dozen or more thick shoots forcing their way into the open air. Hopefully the Germidour will sprout soon as well.

Whilst in the garden center getting a sack of compost for Julie to repot her spider plants at work, i spotted something i couldnt resist for £3, a mushroom kit. Now, ive always fancied trying my hand at mushrooms, and for three squid yer cant go far wrong i'd have thought.

Just got to keep the weeds down now. At least the shoots are thick so not easily confused with weed seedlings.


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