Zaks garden, creatures and life

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Nail 'Em Up!

I got some 1 1/2" annular ring nails at a place in Selby, £2.50 for a 1kg bag. Now, the type of hardware you use when building something like a henhouse is more important than you would think. Normal wire nails can pull out and become loose. These annular ring nails stay put, the rings act as barbs, and so hold everything together better.

Well, despite the drizzle and the gusty wind (atmospheric, not biological) ive managed to build the first section. This is the 'fixed end' piece. From here the front and back will be constructed, and finally the roof and 'hinged end', or door as it is colloquially known.

This piece weighs about 15kg, so its going to be one sturdy henhouse.

Freddy is getting more sociable, he likes to watch what im doing, and is quite happy to have a cuddle. He's not too keen yet on being picked up, but im sure he will get used to it.

I will post a picture of Freddy on the next update.


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