Zaks garden, creatures and life

Monday, October 30, 2006

Bring Me Sunshine...

30mA! thats the current that the solar panel is supplying to my 7Ahr battery this fine morning at 8am. I finally got around to installing the panel on the sunroom roof yesterday, and feeding the cable around the house to the radios. Its now connected to the battery and the meters to establish its performance. Hopefully soon then i can connect up the radios and weather station and go independent of the mains.

Sam watched me doing all this yesterday, but got upset 'cos he doesnt like noises and i had to use the hammerdrill. He helped me as well to repair Dylans roof, passing things up to me on the top of the shed. Dylan was getting miffed by the rain dripping into his house, but its quite perilous trying to repair a thin plastic roof, so i just ended up dumping bitumen all over it with a brush tied to a stick. I also finally engineered the mast for the far end of the garden, putting on the tiepoint and the pulley. I just need the clamps now and can get the HF wire antenna rigged up.

The Hambleton Allotments article went in the Selby Times last week. Had a few responses, some in the village, some from the surrounding area offering support, and one cheeky bugger wanting to sell me his cultivator! The article also goes in the free Chronicle this week, thats delivered to the whole village. Looks like we should manage the required minimum people at least.

Lots to do today. The energy efficient candle bulbs i ordered are awaiting at the post office, and Julie has a load of charity shop stuff ive to take. Just hoping the bulbs fit.

Whilst in B&Q i saw their new range of renewable energy plant. A 1kW wind turbine and controller, and solar water heating. Both at £1500, but possible 30% grants available. Its a shame but i cant afford that, ive not got £30, let alone £3000. What peeved me though was the fact that 'people on certain benefits' can get more grants. Why? does the government think people on benefits care more for the planet than those of us who work full time? I save water, turn unused appliances off, use low energy bulbs, i even have solar power! I would love solar water heating and wind mains input, not to save money so much as to reduce resource use and lower my environmental footprint, so why is the government allowed to discriminate against me, because i am not sponging off of it? We take as little as possible from the government, and pay plenty in from our taxes, i think its abysmal that i cant get help to make my home more efficient and environmentally friendly, and work towards making the future better for my son and his generation. Doesnt say much for the governments environment policies does it?


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