The Sprouts Of Evil!
perhaps my sprouts are not quite as bad as Eddie and Richies 'sprouts mexicane' but there not too bad either way, its the first time ive ever tried sprouts, and ive learnt a few lessons about how much space they need

My bashed finger finally stopped hurting as much about 3am, after keeping me awake most of the night. You wouldnt believe that it would do that, but whatever i did it either ached or throbbed. Tried to fix the little fridge this morning, and it turns out the power supply is duff, not the cooler, this is after ive spent £10 on a new peltier module from Germany.
I got some melamine shelves off Freecycle as well this morning, from a chap in Selby, whos got a garden big enough to grow a million rows of spuds in. Trouble is what i really need now is a couple of tarpaulins, the animals roof is leaking again and poor old Dylan is not happy with his house being dripped on.
Ive managed to get half of the new potato patch de-turfed now, before the light began to fade
Hopefully i will get that finished over the weekend and started with double digging. Its only when removing turf you realise that a 2cm pebble or a root a few mil thick can stop a spade! I got this far using little targets, like 'at the end of this row you can have a coffee'
If any of my Allotment Campaign members read this, sorry for the delay in getting an update out. Im waiting on the next parish newsletter to be issued. I think we are at a point where we need to be more 'in yer face' with the council, perhaps with a poster campaign around the village. The councils response so far has been pretty much as expected, a sort of 'it'l go away if we quote money at them', well it wont! The council exist to do what the community requires. I will get an update out shortly.
Nothing more done on the hen-house today, but hopefully when the rain eases i can get the plywood cut and build the brood-boxes. Anyway, time now for a tune around on the HF radio, and maybe a relaxing bath
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