Jack has now been with us for four days, and is settling in well. He even seems to be getting used to Sam.

Duck is Jacks favourite toy, i think because he quacks when he chews him. I think he is going to be a very good dog, he seems to be picking up on his training quickly, and i think he learnt about going to the toilet while at the Dogs Trust. He has accidents over night, but during the day he's very good at only going outside.

But this is his favourite pastime, kipping in his bed.
Jack goes later today for his injections. No doggie likes to go to the vets, but once these are done, then in a weeks time he can play in the whole of the garden, and start going out for walks.
I still need to get around to bolting the greenhouse down, something thats become more urgent as the winds getting up! Its also confirmed that theres a problem with my anemometer, which says the windspeed is zero! Julie has mown the lawn today, and also managed to mow down one of my onions and one of the wooden row markers.
The garlic are doing well. One had a broken stem so i pulled it to prevent any chance of disease, and its bulb was forming quite nicely. The spring onions are ready, I had a couple of them in a ham and cheese sandwich this morning, tasted mild but with a cheeky kick at the end.