Zaks garden, creatures and life

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Coming back

Well, its been a very long time since i last posted on here. The reasons - many!

Firstly, time and work just got the better of me, and such things as blogs got forgotten. So, whats occured since the last post? Well, we have another baby to care for, Tom, who is showing every sign of following in big brothers footsteps. Chickens have come and gone and come, we have one of the original four left, plus four new ones. They now live in a big enclosure with huge amounts of space each. Fred, Peppa and George, and Marlon are all fine.

The garden has been a bit neglected, this last year has been terrible, and the soil is in a poor state. So, first thing to do this season is get the soil improved.

Anyone got two tonne of horsemuck?