Windowsill Jungle
Well, its mid april, and so far the weather has been terrible. High winds, and were still getting frosts. Apart from digging and preparing the beds, which i have finally finished today, nothing has got done outside. This is the 2nd Main bed, its ready now for sowing. The onions and garlic are already in having overwintered, and the cabbages there are being slowly used as treats for the chooks.

The small bed has been bordered with salvaged planks from an old fence panel, just to give it some definition and help stop the grass reinvading it. Brussels sprouts i think will be going in here. Beyond it you can see the 2nd raised bed, which has been planted with Asparagus crowns.

The 1st raised bed has been cleared. This will be used for this years 'Legume a poit' (pointy veg?), or maybe peas and beans. The rhubarb behind it seems to be doing well, after having a sack of horse poo dumped on it in autumn.

Everything else is growing on every available windowsill. After putting the first batch of chilis in the greenhouse too early, new cayenne and jalapeno plants are growing, along with californian yellow sweet peppers, moneymaker tomatoes, the sweetcorn F1 tuxedo, black beauty courgettes, and a few sunflowers.

The small bed has been bordered with salvaged planks from an old fence panel, just to give it some definition and help stop the grass reinvading it. Brussels sprouts i think will be going in here. Beyond it you can see the 2nd raised bed, which has been planted with Asparagus crowns.

The 1st raised bed has been cleared. This will be used for this years 'Legume a poit' (pointy veg?), or maybe peas and beans. The rhubarb behind it seems to be doing well, after having a sack of horse poo dumped on it in autumn.

and so onto Main Bed no 1. This needed completely digging over, and expanding. The front half had manure last year, but the newly opened sections had the usual variety of roots, weeds and rocks. Five rows of potatoes are going in here, with sweetcorn in a block at the far end, which has a triangular profile

As i said, the rhubarb looks alright

Everything else is growing on every available windowsill. After putting the first batch of chilis in the greenhouse too early, new cayenne and jalapeno plants are growing, along with californian yellow sweet peppers, moneymaker tomatoes, the sweetcorn F1 tuxedo, black beauty courgettes, and a few sunflowers.

The first batch of Brussels didnt come up, but a bit of trading obtained me some fresh seed in exchange for some advice and a few seed potatoes. These are coming up nicely now. The weather is good enough today to get the potatoes in, so at least that job will be taken care of. However this mornings frost rules out much else today.
The girls are now laying 3-4 eggs a day, whilst systematically stripping my lawn and munching their way through the cabbages.
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