Marigold Company! Stand To!
Listen In! Intellegence reports that enemy carrot fly are advancing towards the plot. Marigold companies Alpha, Bravo, Charlie and Delta will form a defensive perimeter at 100mm...
the first row of autumn king are growing, and two more rows will be going in shortly, so a ring of french marigolds have been planted around the carrot plot. Hopefully these will confuse and deter the carrot fly. The runner beans are doing fine, starting to find their way up against the canes

Mick next door has given me some sweet pepper plants. I have to get these into one of the growbags soon, but today i had to bolt the greenhouse down. The courgette plant is storming ahead, and looks about to flower. Ive no idea at all what im meant to do with it!
The early potatoes now resemble a rainforest
Sams sunflower is now nearly 3ft tall, and a hunting spider has moved in to the head. Jack had his injection, and he never eaven noticed it. He wasnt too happy in the car, but on the way home he was a bit calmer, i think he was begining to realise it wasnt anything to worry about.
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