Zaks garden, creatures and life

Tuesday, May 15, 2007


We've finally had some decent rain. The water butts are filled, despite Sam pulling off one of the level gauge tubes. The result of which was to put a siphon on the barrel, so as fast as the rain filled it, the tube siphoned it out again. Most things are growing, ive put some more peas in, some more cauli seeds, and i think some of the sweetcorn is starting to come up. Mick next door gave me some more tomato plants, and a cougette, so these have gone in growbags inside the greenhouse, where it looks like the french beans are starting to sprout. I still need to bolt the greenhouse down.

Sams sunflower (there next to the greenhouse) is growing well, as are all his veg. The three acorns i planted in a tub are now two nice little baby oak trees, and one baby oak tree with its leaves eaten. I keep having to check them, as a local blackbird has found the likes the tub as a dustbath.

Theres an addition to our small menagery of creatures. Today we picked up Jack, a black labrador/border collie/summat else cross, from Dogs Trust. Hes an 8week old puppy. For now he is confined to the driveway and kitchen, until he's had all his vaccines, then he can play in the garden.


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