The Garden So Far...
As intended, this post will be an update of how the plot is doing. Peppa guinea pig is becoming very mischeivous, but George still likes to keep out of the way

Two of the fruit bushes are in, and their bit of ground mulched with bark chips. There not too easy to see in the photo, as they are quite small

It took three big fellas (alright, two big fellas, Barry and Chris, plus me and Julie with the flashlight) to move the chicken house down the garden, which we did in the dark when i got in from work. For some reason the door has warped and wont shut properly, so thats something else to sort out

Freddy is getting to be quite a big bunny now, still very soft and cuddly, i managed to get him to stay still for a photo by bribing him with sprouts

This is the sleigh that came round. Not the lions one i dont think, not sure which charity it was actually

The bean plants and a few of the spring onions are here under cover. It seems the beans under their polytunnel, and the carrots and cabbages under their fleece, have been taking advantage of the improved environment and shooting up like triffids

here they are under the fleece, held down using all the big rocks that have come out of the new patch

The new potato patch, half dug, showing the remarkably industrial layout. So much so ive taken to using drift mining terminology to describe it, so here you can see a bund, first bench, cutting face and backfill areas

And finally, a quick peek under the polytunnel at the beans

Two of the fruit bushes are in, and their bit of ground mulched with bark chips. There not too easy to see in the photo, as they are quite small

It took three big fellas (alright, two big fellas, Barry and Chris, plus me and Julie with the flashlight) to move the chicken house down the garden, which we did in the dark when i got in from work. For some reason the door has warped and wont shut properly, so thats something else to sort out

Freddy is getting to be quite a big bunny now, still very soft and cuddly, i managed to get him to stay still for a photo by bribing him with sprouts

This is the sleigh that came round. Not the lions one i dont think, not sure which charity it was actually

The bean plants and a few of the spring onions are here under cover. It seems the beans under their polytunnel, and the carrots and cabbages under their fleece, have been taking advantage of the improved environment and shooting up like triffids

here they are under the fleece, held down using all the big rocks that have come out of the new patch

The new potato patch, half dug, showing the remarkably industrial layout. So much so ive taken to using drift mining terminology to describe it, so here you can see a bund, first bench, cutting face and backfill areas

And finally, a quick peek under the polytunnel at the beans
Still loads to do, and time for a bit of weeding and hoeing. Theres even still some sprouts left, and we've had quite a few with our dinners over the last couple of weeks. Im going to pull one of the swedes soon and see if theres anything salvagable with them
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