Zaks garden, creatures and life

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Fair words butter no parsnips

as my old mate used to say. Pulled the last parsnips today, and managed to find a whole three that were usable! So dinner today had potatoes (those i pulled earlier), parsnips (in honey) and cabbage (cut this afternoon) all that we had grown ourselves.

Im still clearing up from pruning the apple and pear trees. Most of the fruit has gone now, mostly to people at work. The spring cabbage seedlings are doing fine. Im not sure yet if the rash of little plants that have appeared in the next rows are the carrotts or not. A few more days should tell. Same with the spring onions, theres some new shoots but they could be anything.

Spent most of the day eating ice lollies. Sam enjoyed several sun-lollies. Just waiting for the new compost bins to arrive, Julie keeps moving all my green waste about out of the organised piles i had it in. Not sure if i should stick the mushrooms in there as well. There not an edible variety. Even if they were, my funghi knowledge is reasonable but not expert, so i wouldnt eat them anyway. I do like mushrooms though.


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